b-1.1, r. 6.1 - Regulation respecting pressure installations

Full text
Updated to 7 February 2018
This document has official status.
not in force
chapter B-1.1, r. 6.1
Regulation respecting pressure installations
Building Act
(chapter B-1.1, s. 185, pars. 0.1, 2.1, 3, 5.1 to 5.5, 6.4, 7, 20, 37 and 38, and s. 192).
O.C. 89-2018, c. I.
O.C. 89-2018, Div. I.
1. In this Regulation, unless the context indicates otherwise,
accessory means a component connected to a pressure installation or forming part thereof, including a fitting, a valve, a cock, a water-level indicator, a gauge, an injector, a regulating or control device as well as a device subject to this Regulation as an accessory under the parameters provided for in figures a, b and c of section 2; (accessoire)
boiler means pressure equipment equipped with a direct power source used to heat a heat-carrying liquid or transform it into steam; (chaudière)
diameter means the inside diameter of a cylindrical vessel. The width or inside diagonal of a non-cylindrical vessel is also considered a diameter; (diamètre)
direct power means the power directly supplied to pressure equipment by means of electric or solar power, or by the combustion of a solid, a liquid, a gas or a mixture of the three; (énergie directe)
expansion tank means a pressure vessel used to provide a pneumatic cushion for the expansion of the water in a closed hot water heating system or cooling system; (réservoir de dilatation)
hot water tank means a pressure vessel not equipped with a direct power source and used to heat water or to store hot water; (réservoir à eau chaude)
hydropneumatic tank means a pressure vessel containing a liquid and compressed air used as damper or propeller; (réservoir hydropneumatique)
lethal substance means a toxic gas or liquid presenting a risk of death. The lethal concentration 50 (CL50) is used to determine the lethal potential of a substance; (substance létale)
low pressure means
(1)  gauge pressure of 103 kPa or less for steam and gases;
(2)  gauge pressure of 1,100 kPa or less for water at a temperature of 120 °C or less;
(3)  vapour pressure of 205 kPa or less in absolute pressure for liquids other than water at the maximum operating temperature; (basse pression)
owner-user means a person or partnership that, for their own account, operates or uses a pressure installation, regardless of who is the owner; (exploitant-utilisateur)
piping means a system of pipes and fittings, including a manifold, used exclusively to carry a fluid from one point to another; (tuyauterie)
pressure installation, depending on the context, means one or more of the following pieces of pressure equipment assembled to form an integrated, functional whole: a vessel or boiler intended to contain combustible or non-combustible gas or a liquid under pressure, and any pipes and accessories connected to it; (installation sous pression)
recognized person means a person or body recognized by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (the Board) in accordance with Chapter VI to proceed with a compliance evaluation or to give an approval, an authorization or a certificate required under this Regulation; (personne reconnue)
safety device means a device to protect against overpressure designed to release the pressure excess, in particular a safety valve, a relief valve, a safety relief valve or a rupture disc; (dispositif de sûreté)
thermal fluid means a heat-carrying fluid other than water and water-glycol mixtures that is used to transfer heat without vaporisation; (fluide thermique)
water heater means a pressure vessel equipped with a direct energy source in which water destined for exterior use is heated to a temperature of 99 °C or less and to a pressure of 1,100 kPa or less. The heat source and control devices are an integral part of the water heater; (chauffe-eau)
welder means a person qualified to carry out welding operations; (soudeur)
welding means the permanent assembly of materials by welding, brazing or fusing. (soudage)
O.C. 89-2018, s. 1.
O.C. 89-2018, Div. II.
2. This Regulation applies to the following pressure equipment and their vicinity:
(1)  a boiler, an accessory and piping;
(2)  a pressure vessel that complies with the subjection parameters provided for in the following figures:
Figure (a)
Pressure vessels containing liquids that are not more dangerous than water
Figure (b)
Pressure vessels containing non-lethal substances not referred to in Figure a
Figure (c)
Pressure vessels containing lethal substances
O.C. 89-2018, s. 2.
3. This Regulation does not apply to the following pressure equipment nor to the accessories and piping connected to it:
(1)  a boiler:
(a)  of the high pressure kind, whose heating surface is 1 m2 or less or whose power is 10 kW or less;
(b)  of the steam, hot water or thermal fluid low-pressure kind, whose wet heating surface is 3 m2 or less or whose power is 30 kW or less;
(c)  whose pressure is 103 kPa or less, open circuit, and that has no valve between the boiler and the vent leading directly to the atmosphere;
(d)  of the hot water kind, whose power is 60 kW or less, whose water temperature is 99 °C or less and whose pressure is 1,100 kPa or less;
(e)  of the hot water or steam kind, that has the following characteristics:
i.  it has no steam drum or steam header;
ii.  the tubes and coils are not used to produce steam;
iii.  it is provided with manually operated nozzles or sprinklers that conduct the fluid directly into the atmosphere;
iv.  the tubes have an outside diameter not exceeding 25 mm and the pipes have a nominal diameter not exceeding 19 mm;
v.  its water volume does not exceed 23 litres;
vi.  it is provided with a temperature control device that prevents the water temperature from exceeding 180 °C;
vii.  it is provided with an overpressure safety relief device adjusted to and sealed at a pressure not exceeding the design pressure indicated on the boiler;
(2)  a water heater whose diameter is 610 mm or less and whose power is 120 kW or less;
(3)  a hot water tank whose diameter is 610 mm or less;
(4)  a hot water tank that is not provided with a power source and that contains water at a temperature of 99 °C or less;
(5)  a pressure vessel used as the enclosure for gas pressurized electric equipment and for any tank forming part thereof;
(6)  a hydropneumatic tank whose diameter is 610 mm or less, whose volume is 450 litres or less and whose temperature is 65 °C or less;
(7)  an expansion tank whose diameter is 610 mm or less and whose pressure is 205 kPa or less;
(8)  a mobile pressure vessel not forming part of a pressure installation and used to transport gas or liquid under pressure or used for the propulsion or operation of a vehicle, a vehicle component or equipment thereof;
(9)  pressure equipment whose primary design data and primary constraints come from the equipment’s operating conditions such as a pump, a compressor, a turbine, an engine or a hydraulic cylinder;
(10)  well control pressure equipment used in the petroleum, gas or geothermal prospection and exploitation industry and in the underground storage and intended to contain or control the well’s pressure;
(11)  pressure equipment used for research and experimentation purposes in a research or teaching establishment;
(12)  a pressure vessel not provided with a direct power source and containing an incompressible liquid whose vapour pressure is 205 kPa or less in absolute pressure at the maximum operating temperature.
This Regulation does not apply to a refrigeration system whose drive motor has a maximum rated power of 125 kW, that is tested and certified by an approved test laboratory, and that meets all the requirements of CSA B52, Mechanical refrigeration code, published by the CSA Group, hereinafter called “Mechanical Refrigeration Code”.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 3.
4. This Regulation does not apply to piping
(1)  of the low pressure kind, except thermal fluid piping connected to a boiler subject to this Regulation;
(2)  of a refrigeration system whose capacity is 11 kW or less;
(3)  for fire protection;
(4)  for compressed air, whose nominal diameter does not exceed 19 mm; and
(5)  used to convey pressurized gas or liquid for combustion purposes and that is subject to Chapter II, Gas, or Chapter VIII, Petroleum Equipment Installation, of the Construction Code (chapter B-1.1, r. 2).
O.C. 89-2018, s. 4.
5. The provisions concerning installation, use and maintenance do not apply to the following pressure equipment nor to the accessories and piping connected to it:
(1)  a tank used to store, supply or recover the gas of a vessel referred to in paragraph 5 of section 3, or a tank used for the operation of electricity generating equipment;
(2)  a pressure vessel, accessory or piping subject to the requirements of Chapter II, Gas, of the Construction Code (chapter B-1.1, r. 2) or Chapter III, Gas, of the Safety Code (chapter B-1.1, r. 3).
O.C. 89-2018, s. 5.
O.C. 89-2018, c. II.
O.C. 89-2018, Div. I.
6. In this Regulation, a reference to a code or standard refers to the most recent edition published by the body and includes all the later amendments made to it.
Modifications and editions of the codes and standards published after 8 March 2018 apply to pressure installations only from the date of the last day of the sixth month following the publication of the French and English versions of those texts. Where those versions are not published at the same time, the period runs from the date of publication of the last version. If the amendments or editions are in one language, the period runs from their publication.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 6.
O.C. 89-2018, Div. II.
§ 1.  — General
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 1.
7. Pressure equipment must be manufactured in accordance with CSA B51, Boiler, pressure vessel and pressure piping code, published by the CSA Group, hereinafter called “Manufacturing Code”.
In the case of refrigeration pressure equipment, it must be manufactured in accordance with the Mechanical Refrigeration Code.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 7.
§ 2.  — Amendments to the Manufacturing Code
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 2.
8. Despite the provisions regarding the registration of designs provided for in the Manufacturing Code, the designs and specifications for piping and accessories of category A, B and C, manufactured in accordance with a standard recognized at the national level by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), are not required to be registered with the Board.
The designs and specifications must, however, be kept for purposes of verification by the Board.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 8.
9. The Manufacturing Code is amended by striking out Annex J, Requirements regarding the use of finite element analysis (FEA) to support a pressure equipment design submission.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 9.
O.C. 89-2018, Div. III.
§ 1.  — General
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 1.
10. The installation of pressure equipment must be carried out in accordance with BNQ 3650-900, Code d’installation des chaudières, des appareils et des tuyauteries sous pression, published by the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ), hereinafter called the “Installation Code”.
In force: 2019-04-01
However, in the case of refrigeration pressure equipment, the installation must be carried out in accordance with the Mechanical Refrigeration Code and, in the case of pressure equipment intended for the distribution networks of establishments providing health services, the installation must be carried out in accordance with CSA Standard Z7396.1, Medical gas pipeline systems – Part 1: Pipelines for medical gases, medical vacuum, medical support gases, and anaesthetic gas scavenging systems, published by the CSA Group.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 10.
Until 1 April 2019, BNQ Standard 5710-500, Gaz médicaux ininflammables – Réseaux de distribution des établissements fournissant des services de santé – Caractéristiques et méthodes d’essais, published by BNQ and adopted under the Regulation respecting pressure vessels (chapter A-20.01, r. 1) remains applicable to the installation of pressure equipment intended for the distribution networks of institutions providing health services.
§ 2.  — Amendments to the Installation Code
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 2.
11. In addition to the provisions of the Installation Code regarding the conformity of pressure equipment, all pressure equipment must be supported, attached or anchored to ensure its safe operation.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 11.
12. Despite the provisions concerning flow sensitive devices, a device measuring the pressure differential in a thermal liquid boiler installation is allowed if it performs the same functions as a flow sensitive device.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 12.
O.C. 89-2018, Div. IV.
13. The repair or alteration of pressure equipment must be carried out in accordance with the technical requirements of ANSI/NB-23, National Board Inspection Code, Part 3 Repairs and Alterations, published by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (National Board).
However, the repair of a safety valve must be carried out in accordance with the technical requirements of the National Board Inspection Code, Part 4 Pressure Relief Devices, ANSI/NB-23, published by the National Board.
A person repairing or altering pressure equipment must also take into account the codes and standards referenced by this Regulation and according to which the equipment was designed, manufactured or installed, as well as the operating conditions to which the equipment is subjected.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 13.
O.C. 89-2018, c. III.
In force: 2019-04-01
O.C. 89-2018, Div. I.
In force: 2019-04-01
§ 1.  — General
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 1.
In force: 2019-04-01
14. Every person who manufactures, installs, repairs or alters pressure equipment must hold a permit issued by the Board.
The classes of permits are the following:
(1)  permit to manufacture in a shop or field site;
(2)  installation permit;
(3)  permit to repair or alter in a shop or field site;
(4)  owner-user permit allowing to perform, for its own account, certain installation, repair or modification of its own pressure equipment.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 14.
In force: 2019-04-01
15. An owner-user permit is also required for persons who wish, for their own account, to avail themselves of periodic inspection frequencies that differ from those provided for in the table in section 78.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 15.
In force: 2019-04-01
16. A permit is not required for
(1)  the installation of pressure equipment producing low-pressure steam or hot water;
(2)  the installation, repair or alteration of piping with no welding involved;
(3)  the repair or alteration of pressure equipment accessories or fittings for low pressure steam or hot water production, other than an overpressure safety device.
However, the activities referred to in subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph must be declared to the Board in accordance with the requirements of section 32.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 16.
In force: 2019-04-01
§ 2.  — Conditions for the issue, renewal or amendment
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 2.
In force: 2019-04-01
17. A permit is issued following approval by the Board of a quality control program.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 17.
In force: 2019-04-01
18. To be approved, a quality control program must be adapted to the activities of the person requiring the permit, taking into account, in particular, the nature and complexity of the activities.
The quality control program must also contain measures to ensure
(1)  the conformity of the activities, materials used and welding procedures with this Regulation;
(2)  the maintenance of the qualification of the personnel performing the activities;
(3)  the qualification of the inspection personnel and the personnel’s sufficient autonomy to identify any problem related to quality control and to apply the required solutions; and
(4)  the possibility to verify, through the implementation of a register, that the activities and inspections have been carried out in accordance with the quality control program and that measures have been taken to remedy any default.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 18.
In force: 2019-04-01
19. Every person applying for the issue, renewal or modification of a permit must provide the Board with the following information and documents, on the form provided for that purpose:
(1)  name, home address, telephone number, email address and, if applicable, the business number assigned under the Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises (chapter P-44.1);
(2)  if the application is made on behalf of a partnership or legal person:
(a)  the name, address and telephone number of the head office;
(b)  if applicable, any other name it is legally authorized to use in Québec and is related to the activities carried on in the field of pressure installations;
(c)  the business number assigned under the Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises or, in the absence of such registration, a copy of the constituting act, shareholders’ agreement or partnership contract;
(d)  a declaration to the effect that the person is authorized to submit the application on behalf of the partnership or legal person;
(3)  the class of permit and the field of activities for which the application is made;
(4)  a copy of the manual describing the quality control program;
(5)  the name and telephone number of the person in charge of enforcing the quality control program;
(6)  a declaration whereby the person undertakes to comply with the quality control program.
Every permit application must include an attestation to the truthfulness of the information and documents provided under the first paragraph and be signed by the person submitting the application.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 19.
In force: 2019-04-01
20. An application for the issue, renewal or modification of a permit is acceptable only if it contains all the required information and documents and only if it includes the fees payable under section 91.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 20.
In force: 2019-04-01
21. A permit holder must inform the Board without delay of any change to the information and documents required under section 19.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 21.
In force: 2019-04-01
22. In the case of an application for amending or renewing a permit, only the changes to the information and documents already submitted to the Board are to be provided.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 22.
In force: 2019-04-01
23. An application for the renewal of a permit must be submitted to the Board at least 6 months before the permit’s date of expiry.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 23.
In force: 2019-04-01
§ 3.  — Duration, content and display
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 3.
In force: 2019-04-01
24. The period of validity of a permit is 3 years.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 24.
In force: 2019-04-01
25. The permit contains
(1)  the name of the person or partnership holding the permit and any other legal name that it is authorized to use in Québec and that is related to the activities carried on in the field of pressure installations;
(2)  the address;
(3)  the period of validity of the permit;
(4)  the permit category and the details of the covered activities; and
(5)  the signature of the president and chief executive officer or of a vice-president and the signature of the Board’s secretary.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 25.
In force: 2019-04-01
26. The permit holder must display the permit in view of the public at the location of the pressure installations or pressure equipment covered by the permit or, if the permit holder does not possess or operate any, in the permit holder’s vehicle.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 26.
In force: 2019-04-01
27. A permit may not be transferred.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 27.
In force: 2019-04-01
§ 4.  — Suspension and refusal to issue, modify or renew
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 4.
In force: 2019-04-01
28. The Board suspends or refuses to issue, modify or renew a permit referred to in section 14 if the permit holder
(1)  has not complied with an order issued under section 123 or 124 of the Building Act (chapter B-1.1); or
(2)  has not complied with a remedial notice given by the Board under section 122 of the Building Act concerning a pressure installation covered by the permit or with a suppletory measure required in such notice.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 28.
O.C. 89-2018, Div. II.
§ 1.  — Manufacturing work
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 1.
29. Pressure equipment must be approved by the Board before it is put on the market.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 29.
30. In order to obtain the Board’s approval, the following conditions must be met:
(1)  subject to the exemptions concerning accessories and piping provided for in section 8, the design and specifications for the manufacturing of the pressure equipment must be registered with the Board. In addition, the design and specifications for the pressure vessels and boilers must be signed by an engineer;
(2)  the pressure equipment must be manufactured in accordance with the quality control program;
(3)  subject to the exemptions provided for in the Manufacturing Code, the pressure equipment must have been inspected by the Board at the time of manufacture;
(4)  a declaration of conformity must be filed by the manufacturer and sent to the Board.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 30.
§ 2.  — Installation work
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 2.
31. Pressure installations must be approved by the Board before they are put into service, except in the following cases:
(1)  installation of a mobile boiler or pressure vessel at the same location for a period of 3 weeks or less;
(2)  the work pertains solely to accessories or piping and is performed by an installer holding a permit;
(3)  installations addressed in the quality control program, approved by the Board, which are allowed to be carried on without approval.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 31.
32. To obtain the Board’s approval, a pressure installation declaration must be sent to the Board by the installer at least 30 days before the completion of the work on the form provided for that purpose. The declaration must include
(1)  the address of the worksite;
(2)  the name, address and telephone number of the person for whom the work is performed;
(3)  the name, address, telephone number, permit number and licence number of the person performing the work;
(4)  if applicable, the name of the engineer who designed or supervised the installation;
(5)  the dates on which the installation begins and ends;
(6)  the use of the building and the use of the installation;
(7)  the nature of the work performed;
(8)  the characteristics of the boiler or vessel, in particular its registration number, serial number, power, manufacturer’s name and, in the case of a refrigeration pressure installation, the serial number, power and compressor manufacturer’s name;
(9)  the fluid used; and
(10)  the pressure setting and the relieving capacity of the safety device.
To obtain the Board’s approval, the installer must also provide the Board, upon completion of the work, with an indication that the verifications necessary for ensuring the conformity of the work have been made.
The declaration and indication provided for in this section must be signed and dated by the installer.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 32.
33. For installation work not requiring approval under paragraph 3 of section 31, a summarized installation declaration must be sent by the installer to the Board at the end of the work. The summarized declaration must contain information provided for in subparagraphs 1, 2, 3 and 8 of the first paragraph of section 32 and the indication provided for in the second paragraph of that section. The declaration and indication must be signed and dated by the installer.
All the information provided for in section 32 must also be kept by the installer for at least 5 years in a register available for consultation by the Board.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 33.
§ 3.  — Repair or alteration work
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 3.
34. Every person must obtain authorization from the Board before repairing or altering pressure equipment, unless the quality control program approved by the Board provides that certain work is performed without authorization.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 34.
35. An application for authorization must be sent to the Board on the form provided for that purpose and include
(1)  the address of the worksite;
(2)  the name, address and telephone number of the person performing the work;
(3)  the name, address, telephone number, permit number and licence number of the person performing the work;
(4)  the reasons for which the work is necessary and the verifications made before the work;
(5)  the nature of the work to be performed;
(6)  the characteristics of the boiler or vessel, in particular its registration number, serial number, power and manufacturer’s name; and
(7)  the list of the activities proposed in the course of the work.
The declaration must be signed and dated by the person who performs the work.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 35.
36. The Board may give its authorization subject to conditions, such as the performance of additional activities on the occasion of the repair or alteration of pressure equipment.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 36.
37. In addition to the authorization provided for in section 35, where repair or alteration work has a particular, complex or exceptional character, or where it constitutes a safety hazard, authorization from the Board must be obtained prior to the putting into service of the pressure equipment.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 37.
38. A person who repairs or alters pressure equipment must, upon completion of the work, so inform the Board using the form provided for that purpose.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 38.
O.C. 89-2018, c. IV.
O.C. 89-2018, Div. I.
39. Welding work performed during the manufacturing, installation, repair or alteration of pressure equipment must be carried out in accordance with the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX - Welding, Brazing and Fusing Qualifications, published by ASME, hereinafter called “Welding Code”, and in accordance with the requirements of any other code or design, manufacturing, installation, repair or alteration standard that applies thereto.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 39.
O.C. 89-2018, Div. II.
§ 1.  — Registration of welding procedures
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 1.
40. A welding procedure must be registered with the Board before welding work is carried out.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 40.
41. In order to be registered, the welding procedure must be qualified or pre-qualified in accordance with the Welding Code.
Despite the foregoing, in the case of a pre-qualified welding procedure recognized by ASME, the National Board or the Board, qualification tests for that welding procedure are not required.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 41.
42. Where an essential variable of a welding procedure is modified, the welding procedure must be registered again with the Board.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 42.
43. Registration with the Board is carried out by the issue of a registration number.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 43.
44. An enterprise that has registered a pre-qualified welding procedure with the Board must verify and make sure that it is applicable to the work and must use it within the limits and restrictions prescribed by the body that has qualified the welding procedure.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 44.
45. Where the welding is performed outside Québec, the welding procedure must be verified by a body authorized by ASME, by the National Board or by the provincial or territorial authority responsible for the administration of pressure vessels regulations before the pressure equipment may be installed in Québec.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 45.
46. An enterprise must keep a register of its welding procedures and keep the documents related to the qualification tests for those procedures.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 46.
§ 2.  — Qualification of welders
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 2.
47. Every person who carries out welding work on a pressure installation must have the qualifications prescribed by the Welding Code, in addition to those required by any design, manufacturing, installation, repair or alteration standard that applies thereto.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 47.
48. At the time of the first qualification of an enterprise’s welders, the tests must be performed under the supervision of the Board or within the context of a training program or the workforce qualification established under the Act respecting workforce vocational training and qualification (chapter F-5) or in accordance with the conditions provided for in the quality control program approved by the Board. Thereafter, the enterprise sees to the maintenance of the qualification of its welders.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 48.
49. The enterprise must subject its welders to new qualification tests where the welders have not used a specific process for more than 6 months or where their welding fails to meet the requirements of the Welding Code.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 49.
50. The enterprise must keep a register containing the information related to the qualification of its welders and the maintenance of qualification. The enterprise must also keep the documents relevant to the qualification tests taken by its welders.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 50.
O.C. 89-2018, c. V.
O.C. 89-2018, Div. I.
51. Pressure equipment must be used for the purposes for which it was designed and for which it is intended. It must be kept in safe and proper working conditions.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 51.
52. A service room or machinery room of a pressure installation must be used and maintained so as not to constitute a safety hazard.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 52.
53. Accessibility to pressure equipment must be maintained to allow for maintenance, repair, cleaning, verification and inspection.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 53.
54. Where a pressure installation shows dangerous operating conditions, particularly following alteration, modification, intensive use, wear and tear or obsolescence, the required rectification must be made.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 54.
55. Any cause of corrosion, excessive deposit on the surfaces, deformation, distortion or cracking must be evaluated. The scope thereof must be determined before the required rectification is made.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 55.
56. In case of accident, explosion, rupture, leak or damage to a pressure installation, the owner-user must immediately stop the operation of the pressure installation and so inform the Board. If stopping the installation is impossible, temporary suppletive measures must be taken.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 56.
57. The marking that indicates the characteristics of pressure equipment must be complied with and kept. Where pressure equipment must be replaced, the characteristics of the replacement equipment must be compatible with the pressure installation and be of a quality equal to or greater than the original equipment.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 57.
58. A boiler or pressure vessel, including accessories and piping connected to the boiler or pressure vessel, shall not be used above the pressure and temperature limits authorized for their manufacturing, installation or condition.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 58.
59. Any alteration of a pressure installation resulting in an increased operating pressure or temperature must be reported to the Board and approved by it in accordance with the terms and conditions provided for in subdivision 3 of Division II of Chapter III.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 59.
60. Each mobile part of a pressure vessel must have a safety guard or screen.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 60.
61. The owner-user must make sure that a leak test at a pressure at least equal to the pressure set for the overpressure safety relief device is carried out when there is a doubt about the integrity of pressure equipment.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 61.
62. The maximum quantity of refrigerant that may be stored in the machinery room of a refrigeration pressure installation is 136 kg in addition to the normal load of the system.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 62.
63. A person who decides to scrap pressure equipment or to no longer use it as pressure equipment must destroy or obliterate its stamp and so inform the Board. Otherwise, the person remains responsible for the equipment and continues to assume the obligations related to it.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 63.
O.C. 89-2018, Div. II.
64. A safety device must be repaired or replaced in the following cases:
(1)  the device is leaking, is cracked, does not operate in a satisfactory manner or has a broken seal;
(2)  the outlet, outlet piping or piping linking the device to a pressure installation is blocked or the opening shows a risk of burn or injury;
(3)  in the case of a valve, rust deposits have accumulated between the seat and the disk or the seat and the disk are stuck.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 64.
65. A safety device must be adjusted within the manufacturer’s instructions or replaced in the following cases:
(1)  the adjustment pressure exceeds the pressure allowed;
(2)  the relieving capacity is less than the capacity required for the installation.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 65.
66. A safety device must be replaced when it no longer has an identification or must be evaluated, tested and adjusted so that it may be properly identified.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 66.
67. A control device, a gauge, a temperature indicator, a shut-off device in case of low water level, a flow sensitive device, a pressure or temperature limiting device or a water supply device that is defective or inoperative must be replaced, repaired or serviced according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
The piping connecting those devices must be cleaned when an obstruction is observed.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 67.
68. The welded, screwed or flanged joints of an accessory, fitting or piping that show a leak must be repaired or replaced.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 68.
69. A cock, a manual or automatic locking device or a warning device that is defective or inoperative in a pressure installation must be repaired or replaced.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 69.
70. A fitting, cock, valve or piping used to drain or purge a pressure installation that is partially blocked must be cleaned.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 70.
O.C. 89-2018, Div. III.
§ 1.  — General
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 1.
71. The owner-user of a pressure installation must have it inspected by a recognized person, except in the cases of the following installations:
(1)  a refrigeration pressure installation using an A1 or B1 refrigerant;
(2)  a drain tank;
(3)  an air tank installation whose authorized maximum operating pressure does not exceed 1,725 kPa, whose volume does not exceed 0.651 m3 and whose diameter does not exceed 0.61 m.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 71.
72. An inspection is either external or internal. It includes, in particular, the verification of the condition of the outer or inner surface depending on the type of inspection, of the isolating material or the coating, manholes, hand holes or other inspection openings, the fittings, piping, accessories and piping supports, as well as the functioning of the control and operation devices.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 72.
73. Inspection also includes the verification of the condition of the overpressure protection devices, their pressure adjustment, their relieving capacity as well as the verification of the seals and the manual testing of their operation where possible.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 73.
74. The owner-user of a pressure installation must prepare the pressure equipment for inspection, give free access to the equipment, provide the materials required for the tests, remove the covers on manholes and hand holes and clean the outside and inside of the equipment.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 74.
75. Following the periodic inspection, the owner-user must obtain from the recognized person a periodic inspection certificate attesting to the conformity of the equipment.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 75.
§ 2.  — Special rules for the periodic inspection of certain vessels
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 2.
76. In addition to the components listed in sections 72 and 73, the external inspection of a pressure vessel subject to a corrosion rate control must include
(1)  the verification of the surface of at least one exposed part of the vessel’s coating; and
(2)  the determination of the thickness of the walls and comparison with the results obtained at the time of previous external inspections.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 76.
77. The external inspection of a vessel equipped with a quick-actuating closure, including a pressure cooker, must include, in addition to the components listed in sections 72 and 73, the verification of the condition, operation, wear and tear and imperviousness of the cover, exhausts, indicators, warnings and the fastening and locking components.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 77.
§ 3.  — Frequency of inspections
O.C. 89-2018, Sd. 3.
78. Subject to the special provisions of sections 79 to 81, the inspection must be carried out according to the frequencies indicated in the following table:
Pressure cookers with a quick release, except for sterilizers1 year1 year
Hot water boiler2 years- -
Thermal fluid boiler4 years- -
Low-pressure steam boiler (*)1 year3 years
High-pressure steam boiler (**)1 year1 year
Water heater2 years- -
Deaerator (**)2 years2 years
Steam generator2 years2 years
Digestor2 years- -
Tank containing a non-corrosive fluid4 years- -
Compressed air tank4 years- -
Hot water tank4 years- -
Expansion tank4 years- -
Drying roller2 years- -
Refrigeration system using refrigerant other than A1 or B12 years- -
Any other type of pressure vessel4 years- -
(*) The external periodic inspection must be made every year except for the year in which an internal inspection is made.
(**) The internal and external periodic inspection is made alternately for such equipment.
This section does not apply to pressure equipment and boilers whose periodic inspection frequency is determined by an inspection program included in a quality control program approved by the Board in accordance with section 18. The inspection program must contain mechanisms to monitor the condition of the pressure vessels or boilers, in particular as to the control of their corrosion rate.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 78.
79. A pressure vessel or a boiler must undergo an internal and external inspection each time it is moved to another location, except in the case of a mobile vessel or boiler.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 79.
80. An internal inspection must be carried out where determination is made, following an external inspection, that the condition of the vessel or boiler reveals a safety hazard.
To determine the internal condition of the vessel or boiler, the visual internal inspection may be replaced by any other non-destructive test method such as ultrasound or radiography.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 80.
81. Where pressure equipment or a boiler undergoes a change in their conditions of use or has been out of use for more than 1 year, the owner or user must have it inspected and obtain authorization from the Board before putting it back into operation.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 81.
O.C. 89-2018, Div. IV.
82. During the existence of the pressure installation, the following information and documents must be entered into a register, available on the premises for consultation by the Board:
(1)  the name and contact information of the pressure installation’s owner-user;
(2)  the manufacturer’s operation and maintenance manual;
(3)  the history and a description of the maintenance, repairs, replacements and alterations carried out;
(4)  the results of any verification or inspection and a copy of the periodic inspection certificate;
(5)  the name and telephone number of the person responsible for maintenance.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 82.
O.C. 89-2018, c. VI.
83. In order to be recognized by the Board, a person must
(1)  depending on the activities the person wishes to engage in:
(a)  be certified by ASME, according to ASME Standard QAI-1, Qualifications for Authorized Inspection, published by ASME;
(b)  have and maintain a quality control program approved by the National Board in accordance with the requirements of NB-369, Accreditation of Authorized Inspection Agencies (AIA) Performing Inservice or Repair/Alteration Inspection Activities, published by the National Board;
(c)  have and maintain a quality control program approved by the Board. The program must be adapted to the activities of the person seeking recognition, taking into account in particular the nature and complexity of the activities;
(2)  provide in the quality control program or a letter of undertaking for provisions that regulate communication of information and documents with the Board;
(3)  have the means necessary to ensure the confidentiality of the information obtained during inspections or verifications;
(4)  if applicable, have staff members in charge of inspections and controls who hold a certificate in pressure installation inspection issued by Emploi Québec;
(5)  have the means necessary for the adequate performance of the technical and administrative tasks related to the carrying out of evaluations, inspections or verifications;
(6)  not be in a situation of conflict of interest such as
(a)  have a direct or indirect interest in an enterprise that designs, manufactures, installs, repairs, alters or sells pressure equipment; or
(b)  be under pressure, including commercial or financial pressure, likely to influence the person’s judgment or the results of the person’s verifications; and
(7)  underwrite a civil liability insurance policy corresponding to the activities and covering the person’s or body’s liability for damaged caused to a third person for fault or negligence in the performance of the person’s or body’s tasks. The insurance policy must include a clause whereby the insurer undertakes to inform the Board of its intention to terminate the contract.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 83.
84. A person applying for recognition or renewal of recognition must provide the Board with the following information and documents:
(1)  name, home address, telephone number, email address and, if applicable, the business number assigned under the Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises (chapter P-44.1);
(2)  if the application is made on behalf of a partnership or legal person:
(a)  the name, address and telephone number of the head office;
(b)  if applicable, any other name it is legally authorized to use in Québec and is related to the activities carried on in the field of pressure installations;
(c)  the business number assigned under the Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises or, in the absence of such registration, a copy of the constituting act, shareholders’ agreement or partnership contract;
(d)  a declaration to the effect that the person is authorized to make the application on behalf of the partnership or legal person;
(3)  the field of activities for which the person applies for recognition and the number of years of experience acquired in that field;
(4)  a copy of the manual describing the quality control program;
(5)  the name and telephone number of the person in charge of enforcing the quality control program;
(6)  a declaration whereby the person undertakes to comply with the quality control program;
(7)  a copy of its organization chart, if applicable;
(8)  proof of civil liability insurance and an attestation from the insurer that the insurance satisfies the provisions of paragraph 7 of section 83.
Every application for recognition or renewal of recognition must be accompanied by an attestation to the truthfulness of the information and documents provided under the first paragraph and be signed by the person submitting the application.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 84.
85. An application for recognition or renewal of recognition is acceptable only if it contains all the required information and documents.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 85.
86. A recognized person must inform the Board without delay of any change in the information and documents required under section 84.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 86.
87. The period of validity of recognition is 3 years.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 87.
88. Every application for renewal of recognition must be filed with the Board not less than 6 months before the date of the end of the period of validity of the recognition.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 88.
89. Pursuant to section 128.4 of the Building Act (chapter B-1.1), the grounds for revoking a person’s recognition are the following:
(1)  the person no longer meets the recognition conditions in this Chapter in particular the provisions of the person’s quality control program;
(2)  the person has falsely declared a fact or distorted it or omitted to declare it in the performance of the person’s functions;
(3)  the person has signed a false or misleading document;
(4)  the person is found guilty of an offence under paragraph 2, 3, 4 or 7 of section 194 of the Building Act.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 89.
O.C. 89-2018, c. VII.
90. Charges of $170 for the first hour or fraction of an hour and charges corresponding to half of that rate for each half hour or fraction of a half hour are payable to the Board for the performance of the following activities:
(1)  the verification and registration of designs and specifications or any other document related to a pressure installation or pressure equipment or a part thereof;
(2)  the verification and approval of a quality control program;
(3)  the review or recording of a welding procedure and the qualification of a welder;
(4)  the inspection of a pressure installation or pressure equipment or a part thereof;
(5)  the verification of an application for recognition or renewal of recognition.
Charges of $170 payable to the Board is added to those amounts for each trip required to perform the activities. The rate applies to each person required to make a trip. Those charges include the person’s fees during the trip.
The charges payable to the Board are 1.5 those provided for in this section, with a minimum amount equal to the charges payable for 2 hours, where an activity is performed between noon and 1:00 p.m., between 4:30 p.m. and 8:30 a.m., on Saturdays, on Sundays, on a holiday and the day before or after 25 December or 1 January or on any other day standing in lieu thereof.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 90.
91. The fees payable are $85 for the issue, amendment or renewal of a permit.
The fees are not reimbursed by the Board following the suspension, cancellation or abandonment of the permit.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 91.
O.C. 89-2018, c. VIII.
92. A contravention of any provision of this Regulation constitutes an offence, except for the provisions of Chapter VII.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 92.
O.C. 89-2018, c. IX.
93. Despite section 96, persons who have a certificate of authorization issued following the approval of a quality control program by the Board pursuant to the Regulation respecting pressure vessels (chapter A-20.01, r. 1) are exempt from the obligation to hold a permit under this Regulation until the date of expiry of the certificate.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 93.
94. Despite the provisions of Division III of Chapter V, the periodic inspection of a pressure installation may be carried out by the Board or by a person to whom that function is delegated under section 8 of the Act respecting pressure vessels (chapter A-20.01) until 1 April 2019.
Where the periodic inspection is carried out by the Board, the charges payable to it are those provided for in section 90 of this Regulation.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 94.
95. This Regulation replaces the Regulation respecting pressure vessels (chapter A-20.01, r. 1).
O.C. 89-2018, s. 95.
96. (Omitted in part). Despite the foregoing,
(1)  the rules regarding installation, repair or alteration or owner-user permits provided for in Division I of Chapter III come into force on 1 April 2019. Persons wishing to avail themselves of the new system of permits before that date may apply therefor with the Board;
(2)  the provisions of CSA Standard Z7396.1, Medical gas pipeline systems – Part 1: Pipelines for medical gases, medical vacuum, medical support gases, and anaesthetic gas scavenging systems, adopted by reference under the second paragraph of section 10, come into force on 1 April 2019. Until that date, BNQ Standard 5710-500, Gaz médicaux ininflammables – Réseaux de distribution des établissements fournissant des services de santé – Caractéristiques et méthodes d’essais, published by BNQ and adopted under the Regulation respecting pressure vessels (chapter A-20.01, r. 1) remains applicable to the installation of pressure equipment intended for the distribution networks of institutions providing health services.
O.C. 89-2018, s. 96.